Showmens League of America St. Louis
Organization News
2020 President Jenifer Walsh: Spring Newsletter
As I sit here writing this, knowing I (like so many) would be open right now if things were different. This pandemic has put so much added stress on an already stressful Industry. But one thing it WILL NOT do is stop the showmanship and general love we all have for this business. So reach out to your friends, neighbors, family, supporters, suppliers, and employees. See how they are holding up, let them know you are still here and we are all in this TOGETHER and we will get through it TOGETHER.

Now for some good news. Through the amazing fundraising efforts and Memorial Scholarship pledges of you (our members), we have 25 Scholarship recipients and 1 Masters Scholarship recipient, for a total of $39,000 in awarded scholarships for 2020!

So a big thank you goes out to Petrina Pope, Diana Wiliford, David Penn, and Tim Casper for all of the hard work they put in to organizing and approving these amazing kids.

Also, over the last few weeks, it was brought to our attention by Andrew Schoendienst the urgent need to support the OABA. The current board, as well as past presidents,approved a generous donation to the OABA in efforts to support and maintain a voice for our industry in Washington.

In closing, I remind everyone, we are all in this TOGETHER and THE SHOW WILL GO ON!!

Jennifer Walsh
St.Louis Chapter President (2020)
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Showmen's League - St. Louis Chapter? Check out our membership page for more info!
SLA St. Louis
David Penn, Treasurer
PO Box 345
Hazelwood, MO 63042
Ph: 314-749-7701
© 2024 Showmen's League of America St. Louis Chapter - All Rights Reserved • Web site by Matt's Web Design, Inc.